Our Leadership

Our Leadership

Artists teaching artists. Instructors instructing the truth. That’s honesty and integrity, and the Faculty of Applied Arts Technology stands for these principles.

Asso. Prof. Richard Acquaye

His textile design works have been exhibited internationally, including a joint exhibition ‘Image-Text-Object: Practices of Research’ at Level 4 Gallery, Hartley Library, Southampton in 2014 and more recently a solo exhibition at the Winchester Gallery (Winchester, UK) dubbed ‘Cultural Conversations’. He won a Doctoral College Grant in May 2017, for a live project – ‘Colour Retro Project’, at PGR Study Space, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, and Southampton, United Kingdom.

Asso. Prof. Acquaye is the President of Institute of Textiles and Fashion Professionals – Ghana and a Senior Member of the American Association Textile Chemist and Colourist, Raleigh – USA. He is also a member in good standing of the following professional bodies: The Textile Institute, Manchester – UK; Society for Dyers and Colourist, London – UK; Arts Council of the African Studies Association, USA; Art POWA Network, South Africa and West African Research Association, Boston – USA. His interests include both indigenous and contemporary West African textiles, digital, vintage, conventional printed textiles and design education. He was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2020.

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